
Hi! I’m Caryn Rose and I write about music history, recorded music, pop culture, and more. This newsletter is where I write about things I can’t place elsewhere or go long on stuff I have published.

You’ve probably seen my work in places like Pitchfork, NPR Music, Variety, Salon, Vulture, Billboard, Pollstar, Backstreets, and many more.

I have written a number of books, most recently WHY PATTI SMITH MATTERS.

I also publish a dedicated newsletter about Bruce Springsteen over at Radio Nowhere.

My clips of recent work are here. Editors and anyone looking to hire me to write something can reach me at caryn dot rose at gmail dot com.

In the 90’s, I used to run a Pearl Jam website called Five Horizons and wrote about baseball in the mid 00’s under the name Metsgrrl.

How to support me

If you are an avid reader of my work and are able and want to support me, I invite you to become a paid subscriber or put some money into the Tip Jar, buying a book from my Bookshop.org link, or buying one of my books.

What also helps is when you share posts you've enjoyed and tell people why you enjoyed them. Even just sharing plain vanilla links on social media (as opposed to just clicking that heart) helps so much. Thank you!